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British Company of the Year Award

This Award seeks to recognise British businesses/organisations in any industry sector in China that exemplify the UK’s commitment to developing sustainable business and cultural relations between our two countries. This year, for the first time, there will be awards to the best company within each of three sub-categories. 

  • Small Company: Fewer than 50 employees and annual turnover less than £8 million. 
  • Medium Company: Fewer than 250 employees and annual turnover less than £40 million. 
  • Large Company: 250 or more employees and an annual turnover of more than £40 million. 

最佳英国企业奖旨在表彰活跃在中国各行各业中,致力于发展可持续商业 和促进文化交流的英国企业和机构。今年首次设立三个子类别:  

  • 小型公司: 员工少于 50 人,年营业额少于 800 万英镑。 
  • 中型公司: 员工少于 250 人,年营业额少于 4000 万英镑。  
  • 大型公司: 250 名或以上员工,年营业额超过 4000 万英镑。 

Judges will look for evidence of:

  • A long-term commitment to building a sustainable business in China
  • An innovative approach to the running of a business, or a unique corporate strategy that sets the company apart
  • Products or services tailored specifically to the Chinese market
  • Active support of the development of UK-China relations
  • An open and inclusive working environment with provisions made to embrace British and Chinese working cultures
  • Commitment and involvement in Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) initiatives


  • 在中国建立可持续发展企业的长期承诺
  • 创新的经营方式,或使公司与众不同的独特企业战略
  • 专为中国市场定制的产品或服务
  • 积极支持中英关系发展
  • 开放包容的工作环境,包容中英工作文化
  • 承诺并参与环境、社会和治理(ESG)倡议
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