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Chinese UK Alumnus Award

This Award seeks to recognise the achievements of Chinese nationals who have earned a bachelor’s or higher degree from a UK university, or a UK/China partnership university, and have demonstrated exceptional achievements in business or made significant contributions to UK-China cultural relations. The Award is open to Chinese nationals up to the age of 35 (inclusive) who have graduated at least two years prior to the opening of entry applications.

杰出英国校友奖旨在表彰在英国大学或英中合作大学获得学士或以上学位的中国公民,他们在商业领域取得了卓越成就或对中英文化交流做出了重大贡献。该奖项面向年龄在 35 岁(含)以下、在 2024 年大奖申请开放前至少毕业满两年的中国公民。

Judges will be looking for evidence of:

  • Demonstrable application of knowledge and skills acquired during their UK education, which contribute to their successes upon returning to China.
  • Personal Attributes: Display of individualism, enthusiasm, confidence, and independence in their professional endeavors and cultural engagements.
  • Commitment to Bilateral Relations: Evidence of ongoing dedication to cultivating and strengthening partnerships between China and the UK, fostering mutual understanding and collaboration.


  • 能够展示在英国留学期间获得的知识和技能的实际应用,这些知识和技能对其返回中国后的成功做出了贡献
  • 在专业追求和文化交流中展现出个性、热情、自信和独立
  • 致力于双边关系:有持续致力于加强和培养中英之间的合作伙伴关系,促进相互理解和合作的证据
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