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Education Partnership Award

This Award seeks to recognise UK higher education (HE) or further education (FE) institutions that are actively engaged with a Chinese partner to deliver significant impact. It aims to highlight their contributions to UK-China collaboration and raise awareness of their successes. The Award is open to HE/FE institutions listed on the UKVI Register of Licensed Sponsors (Tier 4). Nominations must be endorsed by a Vice-Chancellor or College.

教育合作奖专为表彰与中方伙伴紧密合作、产生深远影响的英国高等教育及继续教育机构而设。旨在表彰其在中英教育合作中的卓越贡献,并推广其成功合作的经验。奖项面向 UKVI Tier 4 认可的高等教育或继续教育机构。申请必须得到校长或学院的支持。

Judges will be looking for evidence of:

  • A partnership that has had significant impact and delivered exceptional performance in multiple areas, including teaching, graduate employability, and wider positive aspects of the student experience.
  • Long-term collaboration with a view to sustained co-operation.
  • A collaboration that has enhanced the UK institution’s international profile and contributed to the Chinese partner’s international engagement.
  • Partnership that has made a significant contribution to local and regional development in the UK and China.


  • 在多个关键领域,如教学、毕业生就业能力、学生体验等方面,展现出显著影响力和卓越表现中
  • 中英双方的长期合作,以实现持续发展
  • 该合作增强了英国机构的国际形象,促进了中国合作伙伴的国际参与
  • 对英国和中国的地方和区域发展做出了重要贡献
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