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Inspiring Leadership Award

This Award seeks to acknowledge and celebrate exemplary leadership that has successfully driven strategy for outstanding performance. A strong leader demonstrates unique ability to guide and inspire others. This award holds increased significance as it reflects on those who have led their businesses and organisations through the challenging post-COVID years and a rapidly changing political and economic environment.

The Award is open to leaders of UK businesses or British passport holders working in either Chinese or foreign companies. The applicants must have held the leadership role in their business or organisation for at least two years.


该奖项面英国企业的高管(国籍不限);或者在中资/外资公司工作的英国籍高管 。申请人必须在该企业/机构中担任高管职务至少两年。

Judges will be looking for evidence of:

  • Visionary Leadership: Clear articulation of a strategic vision and direction.
  • Delivering Profitable Growth: Consistent year-on-year profitable growth under the leadership.
  • Strategic Success: Development and successful implementation of a clear strategy for the business or organisation, showing success against measurable targets.
  • Global and Societal Engagement: Demonstrated awareness of and engagement with global, societal, and organisational issues through their actions as a leader, and having a visible impact in these areas.
  • Diversity and Inclusion: Robust engagement with socio-economic issues of diversity and inclusion.
  • Resilience and Problem Solving: Identification and overcoming of key challenges for the business or organisation.


  • 远见卓识的领导力:明确的战略愿景和方向
  • 实现盈利增长:带领企业实现连年盈利增长
  • 战略成功:制定并成功实施明确战略,达成可衡量目标
  • 全球与社会参与:作为领导者,对全球、社会和组织问题有深刻认识并积极参与,在这些领域产生显著影响
  • 多元与包容:积极应对社会经济领域的多元与包容问题
  • 坚韧不拔与解决问题的能力:识别并解决企业面临的关键挑战
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