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Social Impact Award

This Award seeks to recognise businesses/oragnisations that have demonstrated exceptional commitment to making a significant and sustainable social impact through projects and initiatives in the Chinese market. This includes a focus on diversity and inclusion (D&I), employee welfare, community engagement and stakeholder involvement. Weighting is based on the impact level of projects/work, sustainability, and how these epitomise partnering and collaboration. This Award is open to British businesses/organisations in any industry sector.


Judges will be looking for evidence of:

  • Demonstrable positive outcomes of the organisation’s work on social wellbeing within China.
  • Long-term sustainability and potential for lasting positive social impact, with clear plans for continuation and scaling of the project/ initiative.
  • Initiatives that actively promote diversity, equity, and inclusion within both the company and the broader community, with measurable outcomes and improvements.
  • Commitment to employee welfare, including safe working conditions, training and development activities, or programmes that support employee growth and mental health.
  • Active and meaningful involvement with local communities, including partnerships with community organisations, volunteerism, and support for local initiatives.
  • Effective engagement with stakeholders, including employees, customers, suppliers, community members, and other relevant parties, to ensure their needs and perspectives are considered and addressed.


  • 展示在中国的社会福祉工作方面的取得的积极成果
  • 具有长期可持续性和产生持久积极社会影响的潜力,并有明确的项目/倡议延续和扩展计划
  • 积极促进和推进公司内部及更广泛社区内的多样性、公平性和包容性,并取得可衡量的成果与改进。
  • 致力于员工福利,包括提供安全的工作环境、培训与发展活动;支持员工成长与心理健康
  • 与当地社区建立积极且有意义的联系,包括与社区组织建立合作伙伴关系、参与志愿服务和支持当地倡议
  • 与利益相关者(包括员工、客户、供应商、社区成员及其他相关方)进行有效沟通, 确保他们的需求和观点得到考虑和解决点。
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