Due to the number of requests, we have decided to formally extend the BBA application deadline until Friday, 14 August 2020 before 23:59 (Beijing Time).
This extension will apply to those companies that have registered on the British Business Awards website by midnight Friday, 31 July 2020. If you intend to apply but your time was limited to complete the application, please register before the end of 31 July.
This will allow applicants to have extra time to complete the online application forms. In the meantime, all companies that have already submitted an application for the BBA will have the opportunity to modify and edit their application with additional information they would like to include or to apply for another award category.
John Edwards, HM Trade Commissioner for China, also shared with us a video encouraging more businesses to enter the Awards. John said:
“It’s a chance to show the depth and strength of the UK-China economic and commercial relationship. It’s a chance also to highlight the achievements of the individual companies and it is a chance above all, to celebrate the work and successes of your teams. Now there are 10 awards and there is something for everyone.” Please click here to watch the full video.
Simply take 1 minute to register and you will then have 2 weeks to put in your applications.
Join us to celebrate the success you & your team have achieved in building the UK-China business relationship.
About the British Business Awards
Established in 2008, the biennial British Business Awards (BBA) are a national awards programme recognising and promoting excellence in innovation, enterprise, and endeavour, in the British and Chinese business communities.
Host of the Awards rotates every second year between the British Chamber in Beijing and the British Chamber in Shanghai. The 2020 Awards are run by The British Chamber of Commerce Shanghai and with Her Majesty’s Ambassador to China as its Patron, has the full support of Department for International Trade (DIT), The British Council, China-Britain Business Council (CBBC), Confederation of British Industry (CBI), and British Chambers in Beijing, Guangdong, Shanghai and Southwest.
Sponsorship opportunities are available for the Gala Awards Dinner on 29 October, please contact James.Dunn@britishchambershanghai.cn for more details.
For any questions about the application process, please contact bba@britishchambershanghai.cn